List Action Flow - activescaffold/active_scaffold GitHub Wiki

Action 'index'

These methods are called in the following order:

  1. list_authorized_filter called as before_action
    1. list_authorized? is called to check the permission. If this method returns false, list_authorized_filter will raise ActiveScaffold::ActionNotAllowed.
  2. index
    • row if request is XHR, and params[:id] is present and it isn't an array, so it's just refreshing a row.
      1. get_row
        1. set_includes_for_columns which setup active_scaffold_references (used with includes and references methods when building the query) and active_scaffold_preload (used with preload method when building the query), based on the includes of the list columns, depending if column is used in the sorting (so it must be added to join in the query, so will be used in includes and references) or can be loaded in a separate query (so will be used in preload).
        2. beginning_of_chain, used as param for the next method to load the record.
        3. find_if_allowed to load the record to be edited into @record instance variable, checking :read permission.
      2. respond_to_action, which will call the corresponding response method for row action and the requested format.
    • list otherwise.
      1. do_list which sets @records with the records for the current page and @page with the page object generated with Paginator class.
        1. current_page
          1. set_includes_for_columns which setup active_scaffold_references (used with includes and references methods when building the query) and active_scaffold_preload (used with preload method when building the query), based on the includes of the list columns, depending if column is used in the sorting (so it must be added to join in the query, so will be used in includes and references) or can be loaded in a separate query (so will be used in preload).
          2. find_page_options which generates the options to pass to find_page method (:sorting, :per_page and :page, and :select if auto_select_columns is enabled in list action).
          3. find_page
            1. finder_options to return a hash with options used to call methods in the relation object when building the query, the key matching the method name (:reorder, :joins, :left_joins, :preload, :includes, :references, :select) and :conditions used with where method.
              1. custom_finder_options which must return a hash to merge into the result returned by finder_options.
            2. beginning_of_chain, used as the relation object to build the query.
            3. count_items to run a COUNT query to count the total items when pagination is used, and it isn't set as :infinite, and calculate the number of pages.
            4. append_to_query to build the query with the options hash returned by finder_options
        2. cache_column_counts, receive the records set by do_list, and set @counts, which is a hash with column names as keys, and counts for each column as values. It uses a query to get the counts on all listed records for an association column, using group, instead of sending a count query for each record, when the column is a collection association and it has no includes defined (includes = nil) and it's set to display the number of associated records (associated_number = true, enabled by default). It's useful for associations which have many associated record, and want to display the number without displaying any other info for associated records (associated_limit = 0), so there is no need to load any associated record, just the count.
          1. columns_to_cache_counts which return the columns to cache counts for.
          2. count_query_for_column to return the query to call count on it (or mongoid_count_for_column if the model uses Mongoid instead of ActiveRecord, returning the count).
      2. respond_to_action, which will call the corresponding response method for list action and the requested format.

These methods can be overrided:

  • do_list can be overrided, for example to change some values or params before calling super, to affect the query generation, or load some more data into instance variables which may be used later by helpers.
  • beginning_of_chain can be overrided to add conditions loading the record or records, supporting scopes usage.
  • conditions_for_collection can be overrided to add conditions loading the records, only when list is used (not refreshing a row), but it don't support scopes usage, it must return hash or array to be used with where method.
  • set_includes_for_columns may be overrided to alter what associations are loaded with joins or separate queries, or add more associations to active_scaffold_references, active_scaffold_preload or active_scaffold_outer_joins.
  • custom_finder_options may be overrided to add return other keys to call methods of ActiveRecord::Relation when building the query, e.g. :having, :group, :order (to add more clauses to order by), :limit, :offset, :lock, :readonly, :from. The same keys which return finder_options can be used too, to override the values generated by ActiveScaffold.
  • cache_column_counts may be overrided to add counts for more columns, e.g. if they don't have associated_limit 0 but includes is cleared.
  • columns_to_cache_counts may be overrided to return other columns to cache counts for.
  • count_query_for_column may be overrided to change how count query is built, e.g. adding some conditions to the query to count only records matching some conditions.
def count_query_for_column(column, records)
  if column == :alerts
    super.where(cleared: false) # count only active alerts

When row is used, the action will render these views:

  • row.js.erb
    • _list_record.html.erb, with local variable record
    • _update_calculations.js.erb
      • _list_calculations.html.erb

When list is used, the action will render these views:

  • list.html.erb (only on HTML request, or loading embedded scaffold)
    • _list_with_header.html.erb
      • _list_header.html.erb, which renders the list title and the collection action links (using display_action_links helper)
      • active_scaffold_config.list.search_partial, which may be _search.html.erb or _field_search.html.erb, if always_show_search is enabled in list config. See Search action flow to other views used by these partials.
      • _create_form_on_list.html.erb if always_show_create is enabled in list config, and create action is authorized. It will render _base_form partial, as _create_form partial does, but defaults to render without cancel button. See Create action flow for other partials used to render the form.
      • _list.html.erb to render the table with header and rows.
        • _messages.html.erb to render flash messages and internal error message, if messages_above_header is enabled in list config.
        • _list_column_headings.html.erb to render the th tags for the list header, with the local variable columns.
        • _list_messages.html.erb to render the tbody with other messages, filtered or empty list messages. It will render internal error and flash messages unless messages_above_header is enabled in list config.
        • _list_record.html.erb with the collection @page.items, if the page is not empty, with the locals columns and action_links with the member action links. It renders the tr rows in the tbody tag with class records.
        • _list_calculations.html.erb if any column has calculation setting, with the local variable columns.
        • _list_pagination.html.erb to render the list footer, with the records count unless pagination is set to :infinite in list config, and the page links.
          • _list_pagination_links.html.erb, with the local variable current_page, if the pagination is enabled in list config and pagination is :infinite or has more than one page.

These partials can be overrided to change how list is rendered, and list_record partial supports calling render :super with some local variables to change some defaults:

  • columns to use other columns to render, build the object with active_scaffold_config.build_action_columns :list, [list of columns].
  • row_id with the ID attribute for the tr tag, instead of default ID generated with element_row_id helper, for action :list.
  • tr_class with the class attribute for the tr tag, which defaults to even-record on even rows, and the result of list_row_class helper.
  • action_links to change the links rendered in the list, e.g. filtering some links out.
  • data_refresh with the value of the data-refresh attribute for the tr tag, which defaults to record.to_param.