SQLite on Windows - activa/iridium GitHub Wiki

To use Velox.DB with SQLite in a regular Windows (desktop or server) application, add the Iridium Nuget package to your app. All required libraries will be installed, including the 32 bit and 64 bit native Sqlite DLLs.

Using a SQLite database

The simplest way
var dbContext = new SqliteContext("Data\\my.db");

// ...

dbContext.DataSet<Customer>().Save(new Customer { Name = "John" });
var johnCustomers = from c in dbContext.DataSet<Customer>()
                    where c.Name.StartsWith("John") 
                    select c;
The better way
public class DbContext : SqliteContext
     public DbContext() : base("Data\\my.db")

     public IDataSet<Customer> Customers {get;set;}
     public IDataSet<Product> Products {get;set;}

// ...

var dbContext = new DbContext();
dbContext.Customers.Save(new Customer { Name = "John" });
var johnCustomers = from c in dbContext.Customers 
                    where c.Name.StartsWith("John") 
                    select c;

You can also set the name of the database file later if you prefer (as long as you set it before the first data access):

public class DbContext : SqliteContext
     public IDataSet<Customer> Customers {get;set;}
     public IDataSet<Product> Products {get;set;}

// ...

var dbContext = new DbContext();

// ...

dbContext.FileName = "Data\\my.db";
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