Pg Procedures Emacs Mode - actimeo/var GitHub Wiki
(define-minor-mode pgproc-mode
"Tools to write preformated PL/PgSQL"
:init-value nil
(defun pgproc-create-replace-function ()
"Insert SQL to create or replace function"
(let (name args rettype volatility comment)
(setq name (read-from-minibuffer "Function name: "))
(setq args (read-from-minibuffer "Arguments: "))
(setq rettype (read-from-minibuffer "(setof?) return type: "))
(setq volatility (completing-read "Volatility: "
nil t nil nil "VOLATILE"))
(setq comment (read-from-minibuffer "Comment: "))
(insert "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION " name "(" args ")\n"
"RETURNS " rettype "\n"
"LANGUAGE plpgsql\n"
volatility "\n"
"AS $$\n"
"COMMENT ON FUNCTION " name "(" args ") IS '" comment "';\n")))
(defun pgproc-create-function-returning-type ()
"Insert SQL to create a function returning a composite type"
(let (name args setof rettype volatility comment)
(setq name (read-from-minibuffer "Function name: "))
(setq args (read-from-minibuffer "Arguments: "))
(setq setof (y-or-n-p "setof ?"))
(setq rettype (read-from-minibuffer "return type: "))
(setq volatility (completing-read "Volatility: "
nil t nil nil "VOLATILE"))
(setq comment (read-from-minibuffer "Comment: "))
(insert "DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS " name "(" args ");\n"
"DROP TYPE IF EXISTS " rettype ";\n"
"CREATE TYPE " rettype " AS (\n"
"CREATE FUNCTION " name "(" args ")\n"
"RETURNS " (if setof "SETOF " "") rettype "\n"
"LANGUAGE plpgsql\n"
volatility "\n"
"AS $$\n"
"COMMENT ON FUNCTION " name "(" args ") IS '" comment "';\n")))
(load-library "~/.emacs.d/pgproc.el")
(defun my-pgproc-hook ()
(pgproc-mode 1))
(add-hook 'sql-mode-hook 'my-pgproc-hook)