Set up in a single IIS site - acrotron-spezvuz/auralization-proto GitHub Wiki


Updates for more flexible deploy are committed to the repository


Staging environment will be used for all next steps to avoid production configuration changes. How to configure environment: Set up local IIS environment

Prepare API project

Block all requests from other domains

  1. Open appsettings.Staging.json
  2. Remove all values from AllowedOrigins, leave empty brackets: "AllowedOrigins": []

Allow requests from other domains

  1. Open appsettings.Staging.json
  2. Add domains to the AllowedOrigins list, example: "AllowedOrigins": [ "", "" ]

Preapare SPA Project

  1. Open appsettings.Staging.json
  2. Change value of AuralizaitionEndpoint to /api/api/auralization, example: "AuralizaitionEndpoint": "/api/api/Auralizarion"

Deploy to Default Web Site

  1. Publish API and SPA projects into folders using wizard or command prompt
  2. Open IIS Manager and select Default Web Site
  3. Open context menu (right click) and select Add Application
  4. Fill form and press Ok.

API site example:

Api Auralization

SPA site example:

Spa Site
