Deploy Application To AWS - acrotron-spezvuz/auralization-proto GitHub Wiki


You should be signed in to AWS console

First time

  1. Select Elastic Beanstalk from Services
  2. Create New Application, enter name and description
  3. Add Environment, select "Web Server Environment"
  4. Set Environment name and Domain, check it
  5. Select "Windows platform IIS 10"
  6. Upload zipped web application or choose "Sample Project"
  7. Push "Configure more options"
  8. Capacity, Environment type, Instances, EC2 instance type etc ...: choose what you want (I've choose "Low cost (Free Tier eligible)" and add key-value pair in the security section)
  9. Push "Create Environment"
  10. Wait


  1. Select Elastic Beanstalk from Services
  2. Select an application you want to update
  3. On the dashboard push "Upload and Deploy" button
  4. Select zipped application
  5. Upload
  6. Wait
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