MVP List - acrks/rillow GitHub Wiki

Rillow is a real-estate web application that is RILLY similar to another real-estate platform, but for legal reasons, not an exact clone.

1. Hosting on Heroku (09/26/2021)

2. New account creation, login, logout, and demo login (09/28/2021, 2 days)

  • A user can create an account, log in, and log out
  • A user can use a dummy profile to demo the different features
  • A user cannot like a listing without logging in (creating a like)

3. Sell a Home/Rent a Home (10/04/2021, 1 day)

  • Users can create a listing
  • Users can set the asking price, post photos, write a description for the home
  • Can confirm times for tours of listings
  • Users can search for homes to rent
  • Users can post create their own rental listings

4. Favorited lists (10/05/2021, 1 day)

  • Logged in users can create a list of listings they have favorited
  • Users can view a list of listings they have favorited
  • Logged in users can edit the list of listings

5. Search for a home to buy (10/06/2021, 1 day)

  • A user can search for listings in a certain zipcode or city
  • Can add it to their list of favorites
  • Can schedule a tour

6. Map functionality (10/07/2021, 1 day)

  • Add a map of the listing based on the address
  • Users can see a group of listings in close proximity on a map on the index page
  • Users can see the listing on a map on the show page

7. Production README (10/08/2021, 0.5 days)