ComponentAction - acrimi/Raven GitHub Wiki

ComponentAction is an abstract action meant to be extended by actions that execute some logic against one or more of an entity's components. It cannot be invoked or passed to an event handler directly, but instead provides a shared template interface to ensure consistency in other actions. The configured components will simply be read in from the template data and exposed to implementing actions via a components list.


The following parameters can be used to configure the action's behavior:

Key Type Description
components string[] Array of all components to be processed by the action. Must be the full name of the component class.
component string The full name of single component class to be processed by the action. Ignored if components is defined.


"eventName": {
  "action": "[ExtendingAction]",
  "components": [
"eventName": {
  "action": "[ExtendingAction]",
  "component": "PhysicsComponent"