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Portal Mechanics

playerportal.create (default: true) - Determines whether or not a player can create portals
playerportal.modifyOwn (default: true) - Determines whether or not a player can remove a portal after creating it
playerportal.modifyOther (default: op) - Determines whether or not a player can remove a portal owned by another player


playerportal.list (default: true) - Determines whether or not a player can get the list of portals (default: true) - Determines whether or not a player can get information about portals
playerportal.import (default: op) - Determines whether or not a player can import portals from another plugin
playerportal.teleportCommand (default: op) - Determines whether or not a player can use the ptp command
playerportal.set (default: op) - Determines whether or not a player can use the portal set command

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️