commands - acrawley/PlayerPortals GitHub Wiki


Listing Portals

/portal list - List all portals in all worlds
/portal list [world] - List all portals in the specified world

Portal Information

/portal info [portal name] - Shows information about the specified portal

Portal properties


/portal set [portal name] owner [player name] - Sets the owner of a portal to the specified player
/portal set [portal name] owner (none) - Clears the owner of a portal

By default, only the owner of a portal or an administrator can remove the portal.


/portal set [portal name] description [text] - Sets the description of a portal.

This replaces the value on the fourth line of the portal sign, if any, and can be longer than will fit on a sign.

Exit Heading

/portal set [portal name] exitheading [yaw] [pitch] [velocity] - Sets the angle and absolute velocity at which the user will exit the portal
/portal set [portal name] exitheading [yaw] [pitch] x[velocity multiplier] - Sets the angle and the factor by which the user's velocity will be multiplied when exiting the portal
/portal set [portal name] exitheading clear - Resets the portal's exit angle and velocity to the defaults

yaw and pitch range from -90 to 90 degrees, with 0 being "straight" out of the portal. If the portal does not have an exit heading set, the player will leave the destination portal at the same angle relative to the destination portal's sign as they had when entering the source portal relative to the source portal's sign.

Importing portals

/portal import myworlds - Import portals from the MyWorlds plugin

Imported portals do not have an owner.


/ptp [destination] - Teleports to the specified destination
/ptp [player] [destination] - Teleports the specified user to the specified destination

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️