Creating an Issue in github - acquaman/acquaman GitHub Wiki

Github is a powerful tool for the tracking issues within Acquaman. In order to facilitate team members being able to claim relevant issues and track down their cause easily, reasonably descriptive messages and relevant labels should be provided.

How to create an issue ticket

  • Navigate to the github issues page
  • Click the New Issue button.
  • Enter a title and message which will help assist in describing the issue, helping recreate any bugs or detailing what is required from a feature request.
  • If you yourself wish to claim the issue, or assign someone to it, then select the user in the Assign Someone to This Issue combo box
  • If you wish to tag a person in the message simply enter @username.
  • If you wish to tag another issue in the message simply enter #issuenumber.
  • Add any labels which you feel will assist in the issue being tackled (the beamline the issue pertains to, the urgency with which it should be tackled etc.)
  • Once you feel the issue ticket is complete, click the Submit New Issue button