The Roadmap - acook/blacklight GitHub Wiki

The Roadmap

Work consists of whatever a body is obliged to do. Play consists of whatever a body is not obliged to do. -- Mark Twain

blacklight uses SemVer and will be avoiding non-backwards compatible changes after it hits 1.0. If there are significant breaking changes the plan (ideally) is to provide an upgrade mechanism that automatically ports code from one version to another.

The Three Phases

  • bianca - blacklight core
    • objects and delegation
    • concurrency
    • blocks
    • basic semi-async file and socket IO
    • integer, utf-8 character, float, byte, and symbol types
    • text, list, block, object, queue, and stack structures
  • azzurra - blacklight on steroids
    • object persistence(?)
    • advanced async IO
    • network aware
  • nera - blacklight la massima
    • JIT
    • enhanced low level features
      • FFI
      • system calls
      • ability to embed blacklight in other programs
    • implementation detail changes as informed by experience and suggestions collected from prior phases

Current Status

Currently we're in the midst of a headlong rush to bianca. Much of the core functionality is already functional, but there's still a ways to go to 1.0.

(azzurra may yet have its contents moved around, depending on where the clean barrier is at.)

For more details on the current work being done, check out the Trello board.