Seam - acnelson12/CS-335-Algorithms GitHub Wiki

The Seam class handles calculation of seams and the removal of seams from images. As mandated by the specifications, it contains the methods verticalSeamShrink and horizontalSeamShrink. At this point, I have only made the constructors visible because they are very trivial, and I have made fastVSShrink and fastHSShrink visible because they are not required by the specifications and give relatively little information away that has not already been given away below.

Program Flow

I have outlined the flow of my program here. For the most part, each bullet point corresponds to a method call (I used ten semi-colons in verticalSeamShrink, and two belong to a for statement).


This method is required to accept a UWECImage argument. It carries out a simple list of tasks:

  • Find the energy of every pixel.
  • Find the minimum energy required to get to every pixel (the optimal path from the top of the image).
  • Find the path to the bottom with the lowest energy (this is the seam).
  • Draw the seam.
  • Refresh the image on the screen.
  • Pause, if necessary, to give the user a chance to see the seam.
  • Remove the seam.
  • Refresh the image on the screen.


This method is also required to accept a UWECImage argument. It carries out a list of tasks similar to verticalSeamShrink:

  • Create a transposed version of the image.
  • Find the energy of every pixel. (on transpose)
  • Find the minimum energy required to get to every pixel (the optimal path from the top of the image). (on transpose)
  • Find the path to the bottom with the lowest energy (this is the seam). (on transpose)
  • Draw the seam. (on original)
  • Refresh the image on the screen.
  • Pause, if necessary, to give the user a chance to see the seam.
  • Remove the seam. (on transpose)
  • Transpose the transposed image to restore it to its original orientation.
  • Replace the original image with the second.
  • Refresh the image on the screen.