President - acmumn/officer-resources GitHub Wiki


Lead weekly meetings

Mentor other officers

Know all the things

Make final call on club decisions


TLDR: Take care of officers. Delegate everything. Update this wiki, frequent status reports. Make sure that all officers enable Slack notifications and CC ACM for ALL emails.

Keep the well being of your officers in mind. Ask them how they are doing. If they are struggling with completing a task ask why, and ask if there is anything you can do to help. Do nice things for your officers. Being an officer can be stressful, especially for successful officers. With that in mind, delegate all but 0% of tasks. You should be doing as little as possible directly. This will help officers learn to complete important tasks, and it will give you a buffer when things fall apart.

In order to keep communication transparent and moving quickly, require that all officers enable desktop notifications from Slack, as well as CC all ACM related emails to [email protected] on EVERY response. Update this wiki constantly, and repeatedly encourage your officers to do the same.

Some Things to Know

The Treasurer and the Vice President or (not xor) the President should be trained in the CS Purchasing system

Records for Special Circumstances

If, in your officership, ACM UMN is awarded any special circumstances or rights as a student organization, MAKE SURE TO GET A HARD COPY from any official involved. Make sure to UPLOAD A COPY OF THIS TO OUR DRIVE. Then store the hard copy in our physical records.

ACM National login Make sure to fill out the ACM National Annual Report for the chapter. If this is not completed, the chapter will be placed on probabtion.

MyACM login