CP4A and Stackhub Setup - acmeair-svt/acmeair-mainservice-java GitHub Wiki

Prepare local machine and cluster routes

  • Find the following
    • api cluster url (ie. api.acmeair45.cp.fyre.ibm.com)
    • host for cluster (ie. apps.acmeair45.cp.fyre.ibm.com)
  • ping api.acmeair45.cp.fyre.ibm.com ( 56 data bytes
  • Add the following to /etc/hosts console-openshift-console.<host> <api_cluster_url> oauth-openshift.<host> kabanero-index-kabanero.<host>
  • Run oc get mcp to ensure both master and worker has true for "UPDATED"
    • if not
    • Run these commands to expose the internal registry route and got the external route
      oc patch configs.imageregistry.operator.openshift.io/cluster --patch '{"spec":{"defaultRoute":true}}' --type=merge oc get route -n openshift-image-registry default-route -o=jsonpath='{.status.ingress[0].host}'
    • Run this with the registry route from the previous command
      oc patch --type=merge --patch='{ "spec": { "registrySources": { "insecureRegistries": [ "default-route-openshift-image-registry.<host>" ] } } }' image.config.openshift.io/cluster

Install ICPA 4.2


  • Create new directory for installing and change directory into it
  • Get entitlement key
  • Set the entitled registry information
  • Log in to the entitled registry with the following docker login command:
  • Pull down the installer container image and view the license.
    docker run -e LICENSE=view \ "$ENTITLED_REGISTRY/cp/icpa/icpa-installer:4.2.0"
  • Create the data directory and extract the configuration files to it.
    mkdir data docker run -v $PWD/data:/data:z -u 0 \ -e LICENSE=accept \ "$ENTITLED_REGISTRY/cp/icpa/icpa-installer:4.2.0" cp -r "data/*" /data
  • Make sure you are logged in to your cluster oc login https://<api_cluster_url>:port -u <username> -p <password>
  • Check prerequisites for ICPA and ensure successful
    docker run -v ~/.kube:/root/.kube:z -u 0 -t \ -v $PWD/data:/installer/data:z \ -e LICENSE=accept \ -e ENTITLED_REGISTRY -e ENTITLED_REGISTRY_USER -e ENTITLED_REGISTRY_KEY \ "$ENTITLED_REGISTRY/cp/icpa/icpa-installer:4.2.0" check
    • If you do not have the correct OCP version, add --skip-tags check-version to install command below
  • Run the install command
    docker run -v ~/.kube:/root/.kube:z -u 0 -t \ -v $PWD/data:/installer/data:z \ -e LICENSE=accept \ -e ENTITLED_REGISTRY -e ENTITLED_REGISTRY_USER -e ENTITLED_REGISTRY_KEY \ "$ENTITLED_REGISTRY/cp/icpa/icpa-installer:4.2.0" install
  • Ensure installation was successful image

Set up Application Stacks

- (NOTE: Customizing required)


  • Make sure you are logged in to your cluster oc login https://<api_cluster_url>:port -u <username> -p <password>
  • Update data/config.yaml with
   url: "<GitHub_URL>" 
   organization: "<GitHub_organization>" 
   teams: ["<GitHub_team1>", "<GitHub_team2>"] 
   token: "<GitHub_personal_access_token>"
     registry: <registry>
     registryNamespace: <registryNamespace>
  • Run the ICPA installer stack-hub-setup command which creates the stack-hub repository under the specified GitHub Enterprise organization and populates it with the Accelerators for Teams application stacks. Ensure the setup is successful
docker run -u 0 -t \
           -v $PWD/data:/installer/data:z \
           -e LICENSE=accept \
           "$ENTITLED_REGISTRY/cp/icpa/icpa-installer:4.2.0" stack-hub-setup


  • Ensure that a stack-hub repository has been created in the GitHub organization

Customize Stack

  • Ensure these lines have been appended to stack-hub/incubator/java-openliberty/image/project/Dockerfile:
COPY --chown=1001:0 --from=compile /project/user-app/config/ /config/ 
RUN chmod 755 /config/finalSteps.sh 
RUN /config/finalSteps.sh
  • To get the key file into the auth service (auth/config/resources/security/key.p12) and run mp-3.3
  • Ensure stack-hub/incubator/java-openliberty/stack.yaml has libertyversion: ''

Stack-Hub Build

  • Create service account oc create -n kabanero sa kabanero-index
  • Ensure default route has been added to /etc/hosts: default-route-openshift-image-registry.<host>
  • Run the following script to set up the Kabanero secrets and oc patch
oc -n kabanero registry login -z kabanero-index --insecure --to=kabanero-config.json

oc -n kabanero create secret generic my-registry \
--from-file=.dockerconfigjson=kabanero-config.json \

oc -n kabanero secrets link kabanero-index my-registry --for=pull,mount

oc -n kabanero secrets link kabanero-pipeline my-registry --for=pull,mount

oc patch --type=merge --patch='{
 "spec": {
   "registrySources": {
     "insecureRegistries": [
}' image.config.openshift.io/cluster
  • Make sure you are logged in to your cluster oc login https://<api_cluster_url>:port -u <username> -p <password>
  • Switch to kabanero project with oc project kabanero
  • Run stack-hub-build command and ensure success
docker run -v ~/.kube:/root/.kube:z -u 0 -t \
           -v $PWD/data:/installer/data:z \
           -e LICENSE=accept \
           "$ENTITLED_REGISTRY/cp/icpa/icpa-installer:4.2.0" stack-hub-build


Important Notes:

  • If you update your stack, rebuild stack hub using the stack-hub-build command above.
  • The stack-hub-build command may run into errors the first time it is run, so it may require re-runing the command a few times before successfully building.
  • If you are running this on a cluster that already has stacks set up, you may want to delete old versions of stacks.
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