How to move a book - acl2/acl2 GitHub Wiki

One way to keep book relocations from breaking things (especially outside the repository) is to replace the original book with a stub file that just includes the book in its new location. I think this is advisable in general, so as not to suddenly break things.

An additional convention I'd propose we adopt is the inclusion of a line marking the replacement book as a stub, i.e.:

(in-package "ACL2")
;; The following line marks this book as a relocation stub:
;; cert_param: (reloc_stub)
(include-book "new/location/of/this/book" :dir :system)

This extra line will allow the build system to mark this book as a stub and perhaps (not yet implemented) print a warning whenever a book includes the stub, so that eventually these books may be updated with the new file locations and the stub can be removed.

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