Issuing Pull Requests For Corrections - acl-org/acl-anthology GitHub Wiki

If you are reading this page, it is likely because you filed an issue against the ACL Anthology noting an error that needs correcting, and were asked to issue the pull request yourself. We sincerely appreciate you taking the time to do this! Running the Anthology is a lot of work, and approving a pull request with a correction saves us a little time versus making the correction ourselves. This document describes how you can do so.

Quick Start

  1. Please create a Github issue describing what yon want to see changed and why unless you have already done so. This will serve as a reference point for any discussion that might occur.

  2. A paper ID in the Anthology looks something like P18-4020. The P18 denotes the event.

  3. Find the XML file containing the authoritative data for the event. These files can be found [in the import/ directory]( in the root of the Anthology repo.

  4. Find the XML entry corresponding to your paper. This will be a line like [<paper id=“4020”>](

  5. Make the corrections. For small corrections, Github allows you to make them in the browser and issue a pull request directly against the repository. For more complicated corrections, you may want to fork the repository, make the corrections on your master branch or some other branch, and then issue a pull request against the Anthology’s master branch.

  6. When you submit the pull request, please reference the Github issue you are fixing. You can do this by adding something like “This fixes #XXX”, where XXX is the issue ID.

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