How I envision the work on this fork if it ever gets more contributors - ackzell/ GitHub Wiki

At this very moment, it is just me trying my best at translating the repo into the best Spanish I can come up with.

In the future though, if more people get involved in the project I think a bit more of organization will be required. So in my head this is something we could do to accomplish working in an orderly fashion:

  • We leverage the Projects feature of GitHub.
  • We create an issue per change:
    • typo (including spelling errors)
    • wording
    • entire file (the original English docs added a new one)
  • We move the issues across columns to their proper state:
    • To Do: the issue was just created, no one has been assigned to it
    • In Progress: the issue was grabbed by someone, and they start translating on a dedicated branch for that issue
    • Needs Review: a PR is created (against master most likely) and a different person comes and takes the issue to review the changes
    • Done: The PR was approved after any feedback and/or discussion made on the PR's GitHub UI. At this point the merge is done to master
  • We decide when to create the PR into the upstream repo. (Kind of releasing the translation version into the docs website)
  • We consider adding some hooks (besides the one already added to lint the files at this point by the upstream repo) to make our work consistent.