Custom installation of SlicerCIP python Modules - acil-bwh/SlicerCIP GitHub Wiki

You can perform an installation of the latest SlicerCIP modules as follows

  1. Make sure that you have a recent Slicer release. You can download the latest stable release [here] (

  2. Download the source code for [SlicerCIP] ( and unzip the bundle in a local folder. (NOTE: You are downloading the developer's version of SlicerCIP, some components might not work properly as they still are work under progress. Just bear with us.)

  3. Launch Slicer

  4. Install the SlicerCIP modules as follows:

4.1. In the top menu go to: Edit->Application Settings

4.2. Choose "Modules" on the left panel

4.3. Add SlicerCIP Modules as follows:

  • Click on the right array on Additional module paths to pull down the Paths menu
  • Add the path to the module that you want to include by Click on Add
  • Go to the folder where you unzip SlicerCIP-develop and click on the Scripted folders


4.3.1. Add CIP_Common: Select the folder "CIP_Common" and click on "Choose"" 4.3.2. Repeat the steps above to choose any other module by selecting the corresponding folder. The available modules are:

 * CIP_BodyComposition
 * CIP_LesionModel
 * CIP_MIPViewer
 * CIP_PAARatio
 * CIP_TracheaStentPlanning

4.4. Click on OK under Setting and Restart Slicer.

4.5 After Slicer restarts you should be able to see the installed SlicerCIP modules under: Modules->Chest Imaging Platform ->Modules
