Web_ICP_07 (MEAN Stack) - acikgozmehmet/Web-Mobile_Programming GitHub Wiki
Name: Mehmet Acikgoz
Student Id: 01
Lesson Overview:
MEAN Stack
In this lesson, we are going to discuss MongoDB, Express.js, NodeJS, and MEAN stack.
ICP Plan
In this ICP, we implement update and delete functionality (user should able to update the book details and delete the book from the database)
Programming elements : MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js,and MEAN stack
The source code for the same is here in compressed format. Please find the source code in here
In Class Programming (ICP)
Implement 2 functionalities in library management system
The following screenshot shows the mongoDB instance running in the terminal, and the mongo Shell initialted. The MongoDB database instance is connected to Angular application using which we add, edit or delete books.
The following page is for the html file which is used to edit the book.
The following file shows the functions for editing book details. Once the book details are edited, the form details are submitted to update book function which updates the data table.
Find below the relevant pages.
The following shows the list of books that can be searched.