Mobile_ICP_13: Speech to Text and Text to Speech - acikgozmehmet/Web-Mobile_Programming GitHub Wiki

Name: Mehmet Acikgoz

Student Id: 01

Lesson Overview:

In this lesson, we are going to discuss speech to text and text to speech applications.

Use Case Description:

Android Hardware: Maps, Camera, Audio, Storage

Programming elements:

Speech to Text and Text to Speech

Task : Medical Assistant Application

More info

Source code


Medical Assistant Application will start with the MainActivity class which converts user's speech to text using RecognizerIntent and replies appropriately using TextToSpeech class object.

We decided to update the functionality because of emulator's failure to perform the functionality. In the new flow, what we write on the screen will be recognized by the app and it will reply back to the user with the same manner.

The old functionality

The new functionality

Mobile UI screens

The application starts with a "hello message'

what is your name?

When the app asks this question, the user enters his/her name and the app repeats the user name.

I am not feeling well

Once the user says this, the speaker asks for symptoms

I need medicines

Once the user wants medicines, the speaker suggests fever and prescribes medicine.

What time is it

The speaker reports current time for the user's query

Thank you medical assistant

The speaker says thank you too