Mobile_ICP_12: SQLite and Firebase - acikgozmehmet/Web-Mobile_Programming GitHub Wiki
Name: Mehmet Acikgoz
Student Id: 01
Lesson Overview:
In this lesson, we are going to discuss SQLite and Firebase databases.
Use Case Description:
- Employee/Employer with SQLite
- Signup/Signing with Firebase
Android Hardware: Maps, Camera, Audio, Storage
Programming elements:
QLite, Firebase, and CRUD operations in both databases
Task : SQLite
Deleting and Updating Employee
Deleting and Updating Employer
In this application, many activities are created which uses android hardware components
Saving Employer information
Searching all the entries.
Deleting an entry
Updating an entry
Entering employee information and saving
Searching the entries
Updating the entry
Searching entries
Deleting an entry
Task : Firebase
Functionality Find below the logout and delete functionalities.
UI Screens
Sign up and login functionality
The below pictures show the signup functionality of a new user who will be provided firebase authentication
Save/Update functionality The save/update functionality is shown below. The user's name and phone number is updated.
The Sign-in functionality
We can see the user we have created in the database
The update functionality
The Delete funtionality
The Logout functionality