Example: static taint analysis - acieroid/scala-am GitHub Wiki

We show here how one can extend scala-am in order to perform a specific analysis on an extended version of Scheme. We will perform a static taint analysis, by adding /taint/ information to the values of the language. For a compilable, fully up-to-date version of this example, see TaintAnalysis.scala.

First, we have to represent how values can be tainted. This is represented by the TaintStatus lattice. We include positional information for better error reporting.

/* Here, we develop a static taint analysis of Scheme programs. */

/* We need a lattice tracking tainted values, that is compatible with Scheme
 * operations */

/* We represent the taint status by a lattice, with the following ordering:
 * Bottom < Untainted | Tainted < MaybeTainted. Tainted values are associated
 * with the source position of their taint */
import scala.util.parsing.input.Position
trait TaintStatus
case class Tainted(sources: Set[Position]) extends TaintStatus
case object Untainted extends TaintStatus
case class MaybeTainted(sources: Set[Position]) extends TaintStatus
case object BottomTaint extends TaintStatus

We then need to include taint information into the lattice used by our Scheme interpreter. We also need a few extra function to taint a value, sanitize it, and to retrieve the taint status of a value. This is done by extending the IsSchemeLattice type-class.

/* We need support for extra operations in our lattice, namely we need to taint
 * values, to sanitize them, and to retrieve their taint status */
trait IsTaintLattice[L] extends IsSchemeLattice[L] {
  def taint(x: L, source: Position): L
  def sanitize(x: L): L
  def taintStatus(x: L): TaintStatus

We then provide an implementation for this lattice, which is just a product lattice that propagates the taint information with the values.

class TaintLattice[Abs : IsSchemeLattice] extends SchemeLattice {
  type L = (TaintStatus, Abs)
  val abs = implicitly[IsSchemeLattice[Abs]]
  implicit val isTaintLattice: IsTaintLattice[L] = new IsTaintLattice[L] {
    def taint(x: L, source: Position) = x._1 match {
      case BottomTaint => x /* cannot taint bottom */
      case Untainted => (Tainted(Set(source)), x._2)
      case Tainted(sources) => (Tainted(sources + source), x._2)
      case MaybeTainted(sources) => (MaybeTainted(sources + source), x._2)
    def sanitize(x: L) = x._1 match {
      case BottomTaint => (BottomTaint, x._2) /* cannot sanitize bottom */
      case Untainted => (Untainted, x._2)
      case Tainted(_) => (Untainted, x._2)
      case MaybeTainted(_) => (Untainted, x._2)
    def taintStatus(x: L) = x._1

    def joinTaint(x: TaintStatus, y: TaintStatus): TaintStatus = (x, y) match {
      case (BottomTaint, _) => y
      case (_, BottomTaint) => x
      case (Untainted, Untainted) => Untainted
      case (MaybeTainted(_), Untainted) => x
      case (Untainted, MaybeTainted(_)) => y
      case (MaybeTainted(s), MaybeTainted(s2)) => MaybeTainted(s ++ s2)
      case (MaybeTainted(s), Tainted(s2)) => MaybeTainted(s ++ s2)
      case (Tainted(s), MaybeTainted(s2)) => MaybeTainted(s ++ s2)
      case (Untainted, Tainted(s)) => MaybeTainted(s)
      case (Tainted(s), Untainted) => MaybeTainted(s)
    def bottom = (BottomTaint, abs.bottom)
    def join(x: L, y: L) = (joinTaint(x._1, y._1), abs.join(x._2, y._2))
    def subsumes(x: L, y: L) = abs.subsumes(x._2, y._2) && (if (x._1 == y._1) { true } else {
      (x._1, y._1) match {
        case (_, BottomTaint) => true
        case (BottomTaint, _) => false
        case (MaybeTainted(s), MaybeTainted(s2)) => s2.subsetOf(s)
        case (Tainted(s), Tainted(s2)) => s2.subsetOf(s)
        case (MaybeTainted(s), Tainted(s2)) => s2.subsetOf(s)
        case (Tainted(_), MaybeTainted(_)) => false
        case (MaybeTainted(_), Untainted) => true
        case (Untainted, MaybeTainted(_)) => false
        case (Untainted, Tainted(_)) => false
        case (Tainted(_), Untainted) => false
    val name = "Taint(${abs.name})"
    val counting = abs.counting

    def isPrimitiveValue(x: L) = abs.isPrimitiveValue(x._2)
    def isTrue(x: L) = abs.isTrue(x._2)
    def isFalse(x: L) = abs.isFalse(x._2)
    def unaryOp(op: SchemeOps.UnaryOperator)(x: L): MayFail[L] =
      abs.unaryOp(op)(x._2).map(res => (x._1, res))
    def binaryOp(op: SchemeOps.BinaryOperator)(x: L, y: L): MayFail[L] =
      abs.binaryOp(op)(x._2, y._2).map(res => (joinTaint(x._1, y._1), res))
    def and(x: L, y: => L): L = (joinTaint(x._1, y._1), abs.and(x._2, y._2))
    def or(x: L, y: => L): L = (joinTaint(x._1, y._1), abs.or(x._2, y._2))
    def car[Addr : Address](x: L) = abs.car[Addr](x._2)
    def cdr[Addr : Address](x: L) = abs.cdr[Addr](x._2)
    def vectorRef[Addr : Address](vector: L, index: L): MayFail[Set[Addr]] = abs.vectorRef(vector._2, index._2)
    def vectorSet[Addr : Address](vector: L, index: L, addr: Addr): MayFail[(L, Set[Addr])] = abs.vectorSet(vector._2, index._2, addr).map({
      case (res, addrs) => ((Untainted, res), addrs) })
    def inject(x: Int): L = (Untainted, abs.inject(x))
    def inject(x: Float): L = (Untainted, abs.inject(x))
    def inject(x: String): L = (Untainted, abs.inject(x))
    def inject(x: Char): L = (Untainted, abs.inject(x))
    def inject(x: Boolean): L = (Untainted, abs.inject(x))
    def inject[Addr : Address, Abs : JoinLattice](x: Primitive[Addr, Abs]): L = (Untainted, abs.inject[Addr, Abs](x))
    def inject[Exp : Expression, Addr : Address](x: (Exp, Environment[Addr])): L = (Untainted, abs.inject[Exp, Addr](x))
    def injectSymbol(x: String): L = (Untainted, abs.injectSymbol(x))
    def cons[Addr : Address](car: Addr, cdr: Addr): L = (Untainted, abs.cons[Addr](car, cdr))
    def vector[Addr : Address](addr: Addr, size: L, init: Addr): MayFail[(L, L)] = abs.vector(addr, size._2, init).map({
      case (v, va) => ((Untainted, v), (Untainted, va)) })
    def nil: L = (Untainted, abs.nil)

    def getClosures[Exp : Expression, Addr : Address](x: L): Set[(Exp, Environment[Addr])] = abs.getClosures(x._2)
    def getPrimitives[Addr : Address, Abs : JoinLattice](x: L): Set[Primitive[Addr, Abs]] = abs.getPrimitives(x._2)
    def getVectors[Addr : Address](x: L): Set[Addr] = abs.getVectors(x._2)
  val isSchemeLattice: IsSchemeLattice[L] = isTaintLattice

We include a specific kind of semantic error that will be generated when a tainted value flows to a sink.

case class TaintError(sources: Set[Position], sink: Position) extends SemanticError

We extend the primitives of Scheme to include the following primitives:

  • (taint x) returns x and sets its taint status to Tainted
  • (sink x) represents a sink, which raises an error if a tainted value is given as argument. Otherwise, it just returns the value itself.
  • (sanitize x) clears the taint status of x and returns the resulting value Note that we have to account that values can be MaybeTainted, in which case the value is not certainly tainted.
/* We need to extend the language with primitives representing sources, sinks, and sanitizers */
class TSchemePrimitives[Addr : Address, Abs : IsTaintLattice] extends SchemePrimitives[Addr, Abs] {
  val tabs = implicitly[IsTaintLattice[Abs]]
  object Taint extends Primitive[Addr, Abs] {
    val name = "taint"
    def call[Exp : Expression, Time : Timestamp](fexp: Exp, args: List[(Exp, Abs)], store: Store[Addr, Abs], t: Time) = args match {
      case (_, x) :: Nil => MayFailSuccess((tabs.taint(x, implicitly[Expression[Exp]].pos(fexp)), store, Set()))
      case l => MayFailError(List(ArityError(name, 1, l.size)))
  object Sink extends Primitive[Addr, Abs] {
    val name = "sink"
    def call[Exp : Expression, Time : Timestamp](fexp: Exp, args: List[(Exp, Abs)], store: Store[Addr, Abs], t: Time) = args match {
      case (_, x) :: Nil => tabs.taintStatus(x) match {
        case Untainted => MayFailSuccess((x, store, Set()))
        case MaybeTainted(sources) => MayFailBoth((x, store, Set()), List(TaintError(sources, implicitly[Expression[Exp]].pos(fexp))))
        case Tainted(sources) => MayFailError(List(TaintError(sources, implicitly[Expression[Exp]].pos(fexp))))
        case BottomTaint => MayFailSuccess(x, store, Set())
      case l => MayFailError(List(ArityError(name, 1, l.size)))
  object Sanitize extends Primitive[Addr, Abs] {
    val name = "sanitize"
    def call[Exp : Expression, Time : Timestamp](fexp: Exp, args: List[(Exp, Abs)], store: Store[Addr, Abs], t: Time) = args match {
      case (_, x) :: Nil => MayFailSuccess((tabs.sanitize(x), store, Set()))
      case l => MayFailError(List(ArityError(name, 1, l.size)))
  override def all = super.all ++ List(Taint, Sink, Sanitize)

Finally, the taint analysis itself collects every TaintError generated by the semantics.

/* The analysis itself only collects the error strings starting with "sink: " */
case class TaintAnalysis[Abs : JoinLattice, Addr : Address, Time : Timestamp]()
    extends BaseAnalysis[Set[(Position, Position)], SchemeExp, Abs, Addr, Time] {
  def stepEval(e: SchemeExp, env: Environment[Addr], store: Store[Addr, Abs], t: Time, current: Set[(Position, Position)]) = current
  def stepKont(v: Abs, frame: Frame, store: Store[Addr, Abs], t: Time, current: Set[(Position, Position)]) = current
  def error(error: SemanticError, current: Set[(Position, Position)]) = error match {
    case TaintError(sources, sink) => current ++ sources.map(source => (source, sink))
    case _ => current
  def join(x: Set[(Position, Position)], y: Set[(Position, Position)]) = x ++ y
  def init = Set[(Position, Position)]()

And we can use the existing Scheme semantics and an existing machine to drive the taint analysis.

/* We can finally run the analysis and detect when a tanted value flows to a sink */
object TaintAnalysis {
  def analyze[L : IsTaintLattice](program: String): Set[(Position, Position)] = {
    val sem = new SchemeSemantics[L, ClassicalAddress.A, ZeroCFA.T](new TSchemePrimitives[ClassicalAddress.A, L])
    val machine = new AAM[SchemeExp, L, ClassicalAddress.A, ZeroCFA.T]
    val analysis = TaintAnalysis[L, ClassicalAddress.A, ZeroCFA.T]
    machine.analyze(sem.parse(program), sem, analysis, None) match {
      case Some(v) => v
      case None => println("Analysis did not succeed..."); Set()
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    if (args.length >= 1) {
      val cpLattice = new ConstantPropagationLattice(false)
      implicit val isSchemeLattice = cpLattice.isSchemeLattice
      val taintLattice = new TaintLattice[cpLattice.L]()
      implicit val isTaintLattice = taintLattice.isTaintLattice
      val errors = analyze[taintLattice.L](args(0))
      if (errors.isEmpty) {
        println("No taint errors detected")
      } else {
        errors.foreach({ case (source, sink) => println(s"tainted value flows from source at position $source to sink at position $sink") })
    } else {
      println("Please provide input program as argument")