TR Environmental Variables - acidrainstudios/TrueReality GitHub Wiki
TR Environmental Variables
The following Environmental Varibles should be set on your windows and Linux environments to have the SDK function:
- TR_ROOT = c:\blah_blah\TrueReality
- TR_LIB = %TR_ROOT%\lib;%TR_ROOT%\Ext\lib
- TR_BIN = %TR_ROOT%\bin;%TR_ROOT%\Ext\bin
- TR_INC = %TR_ROOT%\include;%TR_ROOT%\Ext\include
- TR_DATA = %TR_ROOT%\Data --This is an optional variable for changing the default path of the Data folder.
- TR_USER_DATA = c:\blah_blah\Myfolder\Data --This is an optional variable for changing the default path of the User Data folder.
- TR_LOG_PATH = c:\temp --This is an optional variable for changing the default path of the User Log file. It will be appended with \Logs\logname.html
Append %TR_BIN%;%TR_LIB%;%TR_INC% to the system PATH variable. Depending on your machines security settings you might have to hardcode the full paths at the end of your PATH variable.
- TR_ROOT= /opt/TrueReality
- TR_LIB = $TR_ROOT/lib:$TR_ROOT/Ext/lib
- TR_BIN = $TR_ROOT/bin:$TR_ROOT/Ext/bin
- TR_INC = $TR_ROOT/include:$TR_ROOT/Ext/include
- TR_DATA = $TR_ROOT/Data --This is an optional variable for changing the default path of the Data folder.
- TR_USER_DATA = /home/username/Myfolder/Data --This is an optional variable for changing the default path of the User Data folder.
- TR_LOG_PATH = /tmp --This is an optional variable for changing the default path of the User Log file. It will be appended with /Logs/logname.html