Resources - acidlabs/rip GitHub Wiki

Similarly to Rails routes configuration, RIP provides a resources function to define RESTful-like routes, including coll and memb functions for collection and member routes respectively. Resources can also be nested!.


(resources :users 
  (coll :index :get (routefn [] "This is an index for users"))
  (memb :show :get (routefn [id] (str "This is a show for user with id " id)))
  (resources :books
             (memb :show :get (routefn [id books-id] 
                                (str "This is a show for book with id " book-id
                                     " of user with id " id)))))

To keep the destructuring syntax from compojure's routes, RIP provides the routefn macro.

Functions coll and memb receive the name of the action, the method, a request handler and an optional map with a sufix for path and a url-handler to help creating HATEOAS links.

To obtain the request handler to be passed to ring, use the ->handler function. This will compile into a compojure's route function.


(->handler (resources :users 
                      (coll :add :post (routefn [] "This is a post for users")))
;;=> (routes (POST "/users" [] "This is a post for users"))

To create a resources definition assigned to a value use the defresources macro. The macro will return the compiled route handler.


  (defresources users
    (coll :index :get (routefn [] "This is an index for users"))))

The ->url function returns the result from the url-handler passed to coll and memb. ->url receives a vector with the resources definition value and the actions, similar to get-in function, and an optional map with route-params and/or query-params.


(defresources users 
  (coll :index :get (routefn [] "This is an index for users"))
  (memb :show :get (routefn [id] (str "This is a show for user with id " id))
  (resources :books
             (memb :show :get (routefn [id books-id] 
                                (str "This is a show for book with id " book-id
                                     " of user with id " id))))

(->url [users :index] {:query-params {:id 1}})
;;=> "/users?id=1"

(->url [users :show] {:route-params {:id 1}})
;;=> "/users/1"

(->url [users :books :show] {:route-params {:id 1 :books-id 2}})
;;=> "/users/1/books/2"

Some predefined actions for resources are available in rip.action namespace.