Part 2: Technology Used - achmadyogi/getok GitHub Wiki

Before getting around with the project. We assume you are familiar with these technologies. If you are strange with one or more tools below, please kindly study them first to be able to work with the project.

PHP 7.2.*

The application uses PHP as its main programming language. Make sure that your PHP version is 7.2.* because the app uses this version. Further information about PHP is available here.

MySQL Server

We don't require any specific tool for MySQL server. You can use XAMPP or MySQLWorkbench to establish the database server. We have prepared a sample database to develop the application to be imported into any MySQL server.

Laravel 5.8.*

Laravel is a famous PHP framework to build a web application. Before jumping into this project, you must have a solid understanding about Laravel and its features. If you are new to this framework, see to have a look at full Laravel documentation. In this project, you don't have to install a new Laravel project, instead, clone this project to your local machine. You only need to download all dependencies using composer update. After finishing, run the project. The further step-by-step process will be explained in a different wiki page.

PHP Composer

Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. We could easily create libraries so that we could maintain them easily. Visit to install PHP Composer. After you install Composer, run it at your computer terminal to check whether it works correctly simply with composer command.


It is a common tool in any software engineering development to use git repository to store projects. If you are unfamiliar with git, you can read quick git guide from Github here.