ASSIGNMENT 3 - achernar72/PythonAssignmnets GitHub Wiki

Assignment 3

program 1 Write a python program to a.Accept a String from a user and then convert each character in the string to a item in list and tuple.Print list and tuple.

output ## ### program 2 Write a Python program to Create a list of tuples.Sort the list by last element of tuple in increasing order. output

program 3 Create a Tic Tac Toegame. Assume that Player 1 is X and Player 2 is 0.I.Create a function to ask for coordinates from each of the player 1 turn byturn. The coordinates will be in the form of “row,col”II.Once user enter the row and col check for whether the cell in the game is already utilized or not. If yes then ask the user again else fill the cell with the respective player sign.III.Check whether all the cells are utilized by players or not. Stop the process when all cells are full.IV.Print the game board after each move
