Gige - acfr/snark GitHub Wiki
Using GigE Vision with Snark (Allied Prosilica)
Step-by-step procedures for configuring the GigE Vision SDK for use with Snark:
Download the SDK from
Unpack, copy into a directory (/usr/local/lib/gige, for example)
When using ccmake to configure Snark:
- Turn GigE on
- Press c to configure. You'll get an error about locating the ProSilica libraries
- Look for the ProSilica path parameters. Set:
- ProsilicaGigE_INCLUDE_DIR to /usr/local/lib/gige/inc-pc
- ProsilicaGigE_LINK_DIRECTORIES to /usr/local/lib/gige/lib-pc/(your arch)/(latest version)/
- Configure again (c) and write out (g)
- cmake . && make -j 8 && sudo make install