using comma on windows - acfr/comma GitHub Wiki


caveat 1: cygwin command line vs windows command line

There is a point of tension between cygwin and the windows command line.

A windows program (such as csv-paste) recognises absolute paths as "c:\etc", whereas cygwin recognises them as "/cygdrive/c/etc". When using bash scripts or the cygwin terminal, the output of native cygwin apps (e.g. pwd) are in cygwin form, but the input on the command line is expected in windows form. Use relative paths or properly converted absolute paths only. E.g.

 csv-paste "$(pwd)/file1.csv" "$(pwd)/file2.csv" #won't work in windows, but
 csv-paste "./file1.csv" "./file2.csv" #will work in windows and linux, and
 csv-paste "c:/file1.csv" "c:/file2.csv" #will work in windows

caveat 2: text outputs from a script require line ending conversion

Text outputs from one script require line ending conversion for other scripts


 cat file.bin | head --bytes=$(csv-size t,3d) #won't work in windows, but
 cat file.bin | head --bytes=$(csv-size t,3d | tr -d '\r\n') #will work in windows and linux.

This is now apparently fully mitigated by adding the following two lines to your ~/.bashrc files in cygwin:

 set -o igncr

If you add these lines, you should no longer require the special "tr" conversion.

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