The Curious Case of Gems in our Project - acessoajustica/acessoajustica GitHub Wiki

If you don't know the reference, stop everything and watch it!

##Cucumber - 2.0.0

Gem responsible for acceptance tests in the interface. You can find its tests in the "/features" folder.

##RSpec - 3.2

Gem responsible for general tests for the MVC model. It's tests can be found in the "/spec" folder.

##Factory_Girl - 4.5.0

Gem responsible for standard object creation for testing. You can find it's definitions in the "/spec/factories" folder.

##Devise 3.5.6

Gem manages the login of users, giving objects and resources to do so.

##CanCanCan - 1.10.1

Gem responsible for permissioning inside the application, allowing or refusing access to resources by users. These permissions are define in the file "/app/model/ability.rb".

##ByeBug - 4.0.4

It's a "gdb" for rails environments.

##PG - 0.18.4

Interface for PostgreSQL.