Portals - aces/cbrain GitHub Wiki


A Portal is a Rails application that provide the web-interface. In CBRAIN you can not configure a new Portal with the web-interface, you can only edit the information about an existing Portal.

Table of contents

  1. Portal setup
  2. View/Edit information about a Portal

1. Portal setup

In order to see how to setup a portal you should take a look to the BrainPortal Setup part of the documentation.

2. View/Edit information about a Portal

In order to view and edit the information about a portal:

  • Go to "Servers" tab.
  • Click on a specific portal.

There are four different sections on the page of a portal:

  • Info: This section contain some general informtaion about the portal. You can edit this informations by clicking on the edit link.
    • Name: Name of the portal. Be carefull this one should be consistant with the one used during the setup part of the portal installation.
    • Class: Class of the portal BrainPortal for a portal.
    • Owner: The owner of a the portal, typically it is the admin user.
    • Project: it is useless for a portal.
    • User Manual URL: If set, the portal will show a link called 'User Manual' in the account bar at the top. It should point to a valid file accessible by the portal.
    • Description: First line should be a short description, which will be used in the Servers table. After that you can add any special note for the users.
    • Status
    • Time Zone
    • Revision Info (Client Side): Some information about the revision, like the commit string, the author and the date of the revision.
    • License agreements: One license agreement name should be listed on each line. For more information, see the Custom Licenses page.
  • Mail Configuration:
    • Support email address: This email address will be used when a user want to send an email via the "Email Support" button.
    • System 'From' reply address: optional, if set messages sent automatically by this system will contain this return address.
    • Error notifications sent to members of project: by default is send to all the administrator user.
  • Cache Management Configuration:
    • Path to Data Provider caches: Each Portal need their own directory where they can cache data. Create a new empty directory on the Portal's host, and enter its full path here. As usual, make sure this directory is not shared with anything else, and not even used as a cache by any other CBRAIN Rails applications.
    • Cache Expiration Timeout (in seconds)
    • Patterns for filenames to ignore: You can put any type of patterns of filenames to ignore, typically the '.DS_Store' and the '._*' file is ignored.
  • Runtime information: this section contain a lot of information like the "Remote Host Name", the "Remote Host IP Adress"...
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