Login With Globus - aces/cbrain GitHub Wiki


This document explains how to configure a CBRAIN and NeuroHub portal to provide a login button that works with the Globus Auth system.

Any CBRAIN or NeuroHub portal deployed (not just the production ones) have this capability, but the Login With Globus button will not show up until the CBRAIN administrator enter the proper configuration information.

These instructions can be followed by a developer trying to enable the feature on their development environment, or as documentation for how to recreate (if needed) the button on the main NeuroHub/CBRAIN service.

Configure a Globus App on the Globus website

Go to:


and login as an appropriate user or maintainer for the feature. This automatically give you access to the Globus developer framework, as a side effect. Getting to the developer interface is convoluted, so instead of trying to find it with the interface, just go directly with this URL:


This page allows you to create Projects, and each project can have several 'apps'. Create a project and create an app using the buttons of the interface:

The App's configuration must include a bunch of redirect URLs. See the screenshot below for the values currently used in production for the CBRAIN service. For a developer's private environment, only the localhost values (which are the only ones permitted to use plain HTTP) are needed.

Within the App, a secret token must also be generated. The token will be shown only once, but the admin should copy it some place safe, it will be needed in the next step.

Configure the Login button in CBRAIN

This is performed using the CBRAIN Rails console. The administrator needs to enter two values in the configuration of the Portal: the ID of the App created above, and the secret token.

In the CBRAIN console, find the object for the Portal. Generally, there is only one:

CBRAIN_console> p = BrainPortal.first

Then store the two values in the meta-data store for the Portal object:

CBRAIN_console> p.meta[:globus_client_id]     = "e25e39dd-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
CBRAIN_console> p.meta[:globus_client_secret] = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

At this point, the interface for both the CBRAIN and NeuroHub login pages will show a button that says "Login With Globus". Also, the "My Account" pages will provide a way for users to link their CBRAIN or NeuroHub accounts to their favorite Globus identity.

Adding new administrators for the Globus App

At the project level, other people can be added as 'administrators' for the Globus configuration described above. This allows them to adjust the configuration of the app and reset the secret token, if necessary.

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