CallCodeFlow - aceryan-consulting/aceryansoft.codeflow GitHub Wiki

After loading our customers and orders data, the next step is to clean them by replacing missing values, removing incoherent data , etc ...

We can create for instance 3 activities to fill missing data with methods (Mean/Media, Most frequent, knn) and 1 activity to remove incoherent data. Our code now look like this.

public void Run()
	var kernel = BuildDiContainer();
	Func<Type, string, object> serviceResolver = (typ, str) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)
								   ? kernel.Get(typ) : kernel.Get(typ, str);

	var aicodeFlow = new CodeFlow();
	aicodeFlow.StartNew(cfg => {
		cfg.WithContext(() => new AiContext())
	.Do<IFillMissingDataWithMeanMedianActivity>() // fill and clean logic


Now let's assume that the data fill and clean logic is working like a charm and we realize that we need to reuse this section in multiples codeflow.

To share this codeflow section, we can wrap it in a function and use the CallCodeFlow syntax as shown bellow.

public void Run()
	var kernel = BuildDiContainer();
	Func<Type, string, object> serviceResolver = (typ, str) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)
								   ? kernel.Get(typ) : kernel.Get(typ, str);

	var aicodeFlow = new CodeFlow();
	aicodeFlow.StartNew(cfg => {
		cfg.WithContext(() => new AiContext())


private void FillAndCleanCustomerData(ICallFlowApi callBlock)
	.CallCodeFlow(CleanCustomerData); // just to show that CallCodeFlow syntax allow inner calls

private void CleanCustomerData(ICallFlowApi callBlock)

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