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This method contains the interface to retrieve a representative subset of data to run the optimization algorithm with.

The configuration of the actually connected calculation method should be declared in the pertinent optimizerConfig.xml file, in the tag dataReductionMethod.

Note: new entries added to dataReductionMethod and implemented as methods need to be registered in this interface to become available.

Method inputs

  • dataframe: [Pandas.DataFrame] containing the dataset to down-select from. How this dataframe is structured does not matter to the interface, but does matter for actually implemented methods.
  • method: [String] data reduction method. Identifies the actual implementation to be used.


  • datasubsets: [Pandas.DataFrame] bin for selected data subsets. This DataFrame has to be structured such that the methods connected in the optimize.doOptimization interface can interpret them.
  • databins: [Pandas.DataFrame] bins describing how the original data could best be mapped to the reduced data in datasubsets.


May terminate with ValueError is the string in method is unknown.

Below is the flow diagram for the interface.

getDataSubsets Flow Diagram