Model Controls predictWind - acep-uaf/MiGRIDS GitHub Wiki


The predictWind modules are used to predict what the available wind power will be in the near future in order to determine which combination of diesel generators to bring online when scheduling the diesel generators. If a predictWind module is created, then it needs to follow the description below.

Input Variables

Input variables depend on which predictWind module is being used. The input variables will be put into the projectPredictWindInputs XML file corresponding to that particular predictWind. For example, the input variables for predictWind0 will be stored in projectPredictWind0Inputs. In this case there are no inputs.



Input variables

SO: a reference to the instance of the SystemsOperations which runs the simulation logic.


predictLoad must predict what the future wind will be and save it to the local variable futureWind.


The predictWind modules included in this software include: