Analyzer DataRetrievers plotSetResult - acep-uaf/MiGRIDS GitHub Wiki

The plotSetResult module contains the function plotSetResult that will plot a single result for a set of simulations. The png and pdf plots will be saved in the OutputData/Setx/figs, where x is the set identifier. plotSetResultSandbox contains a sample implementation.


plotRes: the database column header of the variable to plot.

plotAttr: The simulation attribute to be plotted against. This is the column header in the database as well as the tag and attribute from the component or setup xml file.

otherAttr: The other component or setup attributes to have fixed values in the plot. If not specified, all values for the attribute will be plotted as multiple lines.

otherAttrVal: The values of the 'otherAttr' to plot. It should be given as a list of lists, corresponding to otherAttr.

removeOtherAttr: a list of other attributes to remove from the legend. These are for attributes that only have one value for every other combination of values.

baseSet: the set identifier of the base set. If left as '', then no base case is plotted.

baseRun: the run number of the base set. If left as '', then no base case is plotted.

subtractFromBase: 0 - do not subtract or add, but if base case is specified, place at the beginning; 1 - subtract value from base -> decrease from base case; 2 - subtract base from value -> increase from base case

plotAttrName: the desired x axis label

otherAttrNames: a dict of the other attribute variable names that will go in the legend and the names desired to be used in the legend

saveName: the name to save the plots as. If left '', then a default naming convetion will be used.