Analyzer CurveAssemblers esLossMapAssembler - acep-uaf/MiGRIDS GitHub Wiki

The class esLossMapAssembler module contains a class that assembles the necessary methods to estimate a loss map for an energy storage unit. It can be electrical or thermal.

Input Variables

  • lossMapDataPoints: # list of tuples for a loss map. (power [pu], SOC [pu], loss [pu of power], ambient temperature [K])

  • pInMax: Maximum output power [kW]. This is the will be the upper limit of the power axis

  • pOutMax: Maximum input power [kW]. This is the will be the upper limit of the power axis

  • eMax: Maximum energy capacity in kWs

Output Variables

  • lossMap: The dense lossMap with units [kW, kg/s]

  • lossMapInt: The dense lossMap, but with integer values only.

  • P: Loss map array power vector

  • E: Loss map array energy vector

  • Temp: loss map array temperature vector

  • loss: loss map array with dimensions P x E

  • maxDischTime: an array, with same dimensions as the loss map, with the max amount of time that the es can charge or discharge at a given power for starting at a given state of charge


checkInputs(self): Makes sure data inputs are self-consistent. Does not check for physical validity of data.

raises ValueError: for various data inconsistencies or missing values.

does not return anything.

linearInterpolation(self,chargeRate, pStep = 1, eStep = 3600, tStep = 1): This performs a linear interpolation on the input data and generates the output data. chargeRate is the maximum fraction of the remaining energy storage capacity that can be charged in 1 second, or remaining energy storage capacity that can be discharged in 1 second, units are pu/sec. pStep, eStep and tStep are the steps to be used in the loss map for power, energy and temperature. Units are kW, kWs and K.