Heroku Database - aceleradora-TW/conecta GitHub Wiki

How to import CSV

  1. Generate links for CSV files
    1.1 Share CSV file on Google Drive
    1.2 Copy and paste the link on https://sites.google.com/site/gdocs2direct/

Run the following command on terminal

heroku run bash --app conecta-[PIPELINE_X]

Inside Heroku bash, execute the commands above

cd csv
mkdir files
cd files
wget '[COPIED LINK 1.2]' -O company.csv
wget '[COPIED LINK 1.2]' -O research_center_with_competences.csv cd ~/
rake db:reset `rake db:seed

Enable extension unaccent in Heroku

$ heroku run bash --app conectatw-dev
$ pgsql [database url]
$ create extension unaccent;
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