apple II - aceituning/retroace GitHub Wiki


The Apple II was a series of personal computers starting from 1977 to 1993.

Emulator Rom Folder Extension BIOS Controller Config
Linapple apple2 .dsk none /opt/retropie/configs/apple2/linapple.conf

Emulator: Linapple


Accepted File Extensions: .dsk

Place your Apple II disk image files in



Upon boot, press F1 to get an overview of the controls, they will vary by game. As the Apple II was a personal computer it would only make sense that you would be using a keyboard and mouse.

F1 - Show help screen
F2 - Cold reset
Shift+F2 - Reload conf file and restart
F3, F4 - Choose an image file name for floppy disk in Slot 6 drive 1 or 2 respectively
Shift+F3, Shift+F4 - The same thing for Apple hard disks (in Slot 7)
Alt+F3,Alt+F4 - same as F3,F4 using FTP (see linapple.conf about configuring FTP accounts)
Alt+Shift+F3, Alt+Shift+F4 - same as Shift+F3, Shift+F4 but using FTP account (see above)
F5 - Swap drives for Slot 6
F6 - Toggle fullscreen mode
F7 - Reserved for Debugger!
F8 - Save current screen as a .bmp file
Shift+F8 - Save settings changable in runtime in conf file     
F9 - Cycle through various video modes
F10 - Quit emulator
F11 - Save current state to file, Alt+F11 - quick save
F12 - Reload it from file, Alt+F12 - quick load
Ctrl+0..9 - fast load state snapshot with corresponding number, saved previously by
Ctrl+Shift+0..9 - fast save snapshot to current snapshot directory with corresponding number 0..9
Ctrl+F12 - Hot reset
Pause - Pause emulator
Scroll Lock - Toggle full speed

Num pad keys:
Grey + - Speed up emulator
Grey - - Speed it down
Grey * - Normal speed

Getting Started

  • Press F3 to choose your disk drive and navigate to where you placed your disk images in the apple2 roms folder.

  • Select your game by pressing Enter and then press F2 to reboot into the game you just selected, now you should be inside your game. Most games will have a splash screen with controls specific to that game.

  • To exit back to Emulationstation press F10.

Running Disks From EmulationStation