Megadrive JAPAN - aceituning/retroace GitHub Wiki

megadrive genesis

This console, known as the Mega Drive everywhere except in the USA where it was renamed Genesis, was released by Sega in 1988

Versión Japonesa de SNES con todas las ROMS propias

Emulator Rom Folder Extension BIOS Controller Config
lr-genesis-plus-gx megadrive .7z .bin .gen .md .sg .smd .zip bios_MD.bin (optional) /opt/retropie/configs/megadrive/retroarch.cfg
lr-picodrive megadrive .7z .bin .gen .md .smd .zip none /opt/retropie/configs/megadrive/retroarch.cfg
DGen megadrive .bin .md .smd none /opt/retropie/configs/megadrive/dgenrc

Emulators: lr-genesis-plus-gx, lr-picodrive, DGen

lr-genesis-plus-gx is best for the Pi 3/Pi 2 due to its accuracy. lr-picodrive is more suited for use on the Pi 0/Pi 1 due to its speed. DGen has the worst performance and can be tedious to configure the controls for.


Accepted File Extensions: .7z .bin .gen .md .sg .smd .zip

Place your ROMS in either



/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/genesis (symlinked to megadrive folder to remove confusion)


lr-genesis-plus-gx can load MegaDrive TMSS startup ROM (bootrom): bios_MD.bin

Place your bios_MD.bin BIOS file in



There are two methods for configuring controls - one way for both lr-genesis-plus-gx and lr-picodrive, and another way for DGen.

lr-genesis-plus-gx and lr-picodrive

lr-genesis-plus-gx and lr-picodrive utilise RetroArch configurations

Add custom retroarch controls to the retroarch.cfg file in


For more information on custom RetroArch controls see: RetroArch Configuration

Configuring a 6 button controller

First you need to tell retroarch to use 6 buttons, because the default is to use 3.


There are two ways to achieve this, most people will want to use Option 1:

Option 1 - RetroArch Menu

You can save a Core Remap File which reloads every time the emulator is launched.

Launch a Megadrive game and go into the RetroArch menu (default mapping: Select + X).

Go to Quick Menu -> Input Options and set the User 1 Device Type and User 2 Device Type to MD Joypad 6 Button.

Scroll down on the same page and select *Save Core Remap File.

This will save a core remap file (.rmp) to a folder called "Genesis Plus GX" in the /opt/retropie/configs/megadrive folder. By default this remap file will load every time the emulator is launched.

Option 2 - Config file edit

Edit the file /opt/retropie/configs/megadrive/retroarch.cfg and add:

input_libretro_device_p1 = "513"
input_libretro_device_p2 = "513"

This will set the controller type to a 6 button pad, and will reload this configuration every time the emulator is launched.


There are two ways to achieve this, most people will want to use Option 1:

Option 1 - RetroArch Menu

Launch a Megadrive game and go to the Retroarch menu (default mapping: Select + X).

Go to Quick Menu -> Options and set the two input devices to 6 button pad.

Exit the Retroarch menu.

Once you quit the game, the configuration will be saved within the /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-core-options.cfg file. You do not need to edit this file.

These core options will also take affect on any other system which you may use lr-picodrive for (eg. Sega 32X, Sega CD).

Option 2 - Config file edit

If you don't have access to the Quick Menu (due to misconfigured controls or some other reason), then edit the /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-core-options.cfg file and add:

picodrive_input1 = "6 button pad"
picodrive_input2 = "6 button pad"

3 Button Genesis/MegaDrive Controller


6 Button Genesis/MegaDrive Wireless Controller


6 Button Genesis/MegaDrive ArcadePad Controller



DGen uses a configuration file called dgenrc located in


To set up an exit button: modify this line to match your controller button

# Quit DGen or switch to the next ROM on the command-line.
key_quit = escape
joy_quit = joystick0-button12

Switching Emulation Station to the Genesis logo:

If you are from the United States it is likely that you had the Sega Genesis rather than the Sega Megadrive. If you want EmulationStation to show the genesis graphics instead of megadrive then you should create a file /opt/retropie/configs/all/platforms.cfg with the following contents (note this requires at least v4.1.6 of the RetroPie-Setup script).


Once this is done, please update any of the currently installed megadrive emulators from RetroPie-Setup and Emulation Station will now use the Genesis logo. Scraping from within Emulation Station should also return Genesis artwork.