Directory structure - ace411/Bingo-Framework GitHub Wiki

#Directory Structure






###The App folder

Contains the Models, Views, and Controllers for the framework. The Models allow for interaction with the database; the Views are the template files conveyed to the user, and the Controllers are a conduit. The files in this directory determine the nature of your application and are therefore customizable.

###The Core folder

Contains the Exception Handler, Router, Action filter, Vendor and template generator files. Customizing the files in this directory is not advised as the primary focus should be on working with the files in the App folder.

###The logs folder

Contains error logs. Error files will only be generated if the "show_errors" option is set to false in Configuration file in the App directory.

###The packages folder

Contains the dependencies installed via Composer.

###The public folder

Holds the index file as well as the styles, fonts and JavaScript files that are going to be available to the web.