Easy Bot - ace3df/AcePictureBot GitHub Wiki


This project is very early and there are quote a lot of bugs.

This page is also a mess as I change things around. Just look at the example files and search for the settings you want info on here.

A lot of the code is simple place holders (i.e start_new_thread > Thread())

  • Introduction
  • Requirements
  • Quick Setup
  • Limitaions
  • Settings Overview

Settings Overview

###credentials consumer_key - Your Twitter App consumer key

consumer_secret - Your Twitter App consumer secret

access_token - Your Twitter App consumer access token

access_token_secret - Your Twitter App access token secret

###settings These are your global settings for that bot.

twitter_handle - Not needed for now.

start_delay - The delay on your first post.

time_delay - The delay between each post.

post_type - What you want to post with (Options: xml, folder, pixiv, danbooru, safebooru, sankaku, dropbox)

More info on these types below!

download_images - Keep the images that are downloaded (images are kept for 20 seconds (to post) then deleted.

download_to - Where to save images.

file_names - What to name your images.

More info on options to name them below!

max_ignore - The max number of files to ignore (the more the less chance of a repost)

ignore_cosplay - If you want a specific person (i.e. with safebooru tagging) you can ignore other people cosplaying as them.

ignore_long_imgs - Long (in height) images don't look good in Tweetdeck.

source_only_if_pixiv - Only post URL source if it's a Pixiv link.

###xml_settings You can use the XML option if you want a custom message for each image you have!

file_location - The location of the .xml file

**Look at the example.xml file to see how it is setup!

You can also find folders_to_xml.py in the Tools folder to help you auto generate a .xml file!**

random - Randomize what image to use (if False, it will go from top to bottom)

remove_used - Remove posted images from the .xml file.

message - Add a prefix or suffix (Use {% msg %} to include the XML message for that image).

reset_on_complete - Once every image has been used, it will go through them all again (if False it will simply not use XML post type again until you've added more or cleared your .xml file)

##folder_settings This will randomly select an image from what folders you tell it to!

folder_locations - Folders you want to use (Have this in a list. Look at the example_settings.py).

random_folder - If False it will use the first folder in the list until all used then move onto the next one. If True it will randomly pick from all the folders in the list.

move_images - If True, it will move the images to a folder and not store used images in a list (this is good if you want to quickly know what images have been posted).

move_to - Move images to the corresponding directory from folder_locations.

move_image_back_on - A number for the below option.

rest_on_low - If there are only move_image_back_on number of images in the folder it will move them all back to their original folder.

message - Add a message for your tweets.

More info on options for your message below!

###pixiv_settings Don't use for now!

###pixivsl_settings ids - A lot of Pixiv SpotLight URL IDs in a list followed by the images that will be IGNORED (the first image starts as the number 0)!

random - It will go with a random image from a random spotlight (if False it will go in order you've set up in the list).

message - Add a message for your tweets.

More info on options for your message below!

###danbooru_settings Get a image based on your search from danbooru!

Read the limitations!

username - Not used for danbooru right now.

password - Above

sfw - If True it will search for SFW images only (this will use 1 of your 2 tags for this site).

sort_by_popularity - If True it will add a popularity tag to the search. If SFW is true this will give you NO tags to use with Danbooru.

tags - The tags you want to search (limited to 2). Use a list (see example_settings.py).

ignore_tags - Ignore tags, these do NOT add to the search but will take longer to find a acceptable image the more you ignore. Use a list (see example_settings.py).

highest_page - Highest page to search.

lowest_page - Lowest page to search.

hashtag_series - If you include series names in your message make them into a hashtag.

message - Add a message for your tweets.

More info on options for your message below!

###safebooru_settings Get a image based on your search from safebooru!

Read the limitations!

username - Not used for safebooru right now (not needed really, tag limit is usage).

password - Above

sfw - Not used, just set to True.

sort_by_popularity - If True it will add a popularity tag to the search.

tags - The tags you want to search. Use a list (see example_settings.py).

ignore_tags - Ignore tags, these do NOT add to the search but will take longer to find a acceptable image the more you ignore. Use a list (see example_settings.py).

highest_page - Highest page to search.

lowest_page - Lowest page to search.

hashtag_series - If you include series names in your message make them into a hashtag.

message - Add a message for your tweets.

More info on options for your message below!

###sankaku_settings Get a image based on your search from sankaku!

Read the limitations!

username - Login - limited to only 5 tags if you're not logged in. 9 if you are.

password - Above

sfw - Get a SFW image

sort_by_popularity - If True it will add a popularity tag to the search.

tags - The tags you want to search. Use a list (see example_settings.py).

ignore_tags - Ignore tags, these do NOT add to the search but will take longer to find a acceptable image the more you ignore. Use a list (see example_settings.py).

highest_page - Highest page to search.

lowest_page - Lowest page to search.

hashtag_series - If you include series names in your message make them into a hashtag.

message - Add a message for your tweets.

More info on options for your message below!

##dropbox_settings access_token - Your Dropbox access token. Follow This

folder - The Dropbox folder where your images are (leave blank if it's the root).

message - Add a message for your tweets.

More info on options for your message below!

##Message Options {% filename %} - (ONLY: Folder, Dropbox, XML) Put the image filename into the message.

{% url %} - (ONLY: Pixiv/Spotlight, Dan/SafeBooru, Sankaku) Put the image URL into the message (If Dan/Safebooru or Sankaku it will try to use the Pixiv Source URL, if there isn't one down, it will just post the site URL).

{% title %} - (ONLY: Pixiv Spotlight) Show the original title of that image.

{% msg %} - (ONLY: XML) Show the original message of that image (XML entry message).

{% artist %} - (ONLY: Pixiv/Spotlight, Dan/SafeBooru, Sankaku) Put the artist name if possible into the message.

{% chars %} - (ONLY: Dan/SafeBooru, Sankaku) Put the characters what are in the image into the message (currently will only put the first character, will later use Pastebin if more than one (and if user wants to)).

{% series %} - (ONLY: Dan/SafeBooru, Sankaku) Put the series that the image is from (the anime, etc.) into the message.

{% hash %} - (ALL) Put the image hash into the message.