Environment setup - accuzip-opensource/direct-mail GitHub Wiki

Contact us to get YourAPIkey which is mandatory for the DirectMail process!


A web server is required. Tomcat is one option http://tomcat.apache.org/
Copy AJAX/index.html into Tomcat's webapps folder.
To open the input form for the DirectMail example process, hit the URL below via your browser.
Results shoud be available for download after approximately two minutes of asynchronous processing on a generated link.
[Direct Mail Result](Direct Mail Result)


A web server is required, like XAMPP https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html.
Check-out the php/cURL project from this direct-mail repository to the container of the installed web server. At XAMPP, for example, it is the htdocs folder.
To start the DirectMail example process, hit the URL below via your browser. http://SourceServerURL/cURL/direct_mail.php
Results shoud be available for download after approximately two minutes of asynchronous processing on a generated link.
[Direct Mail Result](Direct Mail Result)

PHP Cake

A web server is required, like XAMPP https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html.
Check-out the php/Cake project from this direct-mail repository (that includes Cake framework), to the container of the installed web server. At XAMPP it is the htdocs folder.
In general, Composer is needed to install projects from scratch that use Cake framework http://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/installation.html.
To start the DirectMail example process, hit the URL below via your browser.
Results shoud be available for download after approximately two minutes of asynchronous processing on a generated link.
[Direct Mail Result](Direct Mail Result)

cURL Command Prompt

Install curl.exe from https://curl.haxx.se/download.html, and add it to Environment variable Path.
Check-out the cURL folder from repository.
To walk-through the DirectMail example process, execute batch files like:
1_direct_mail_upload.bat **YourAPIkey**
2_4_direct_mail_get_quote.bat **ActualGUID**


Install Python from https://www.python.org/downloads/.
Check-out the python folder from repository.
To start the DirectMail example process, execute the Python command:
python direct_mail.py **YourAPIkey**

Generated results for each environment can also be reached via browser:
