WSBudgetOptions - accountsIQ/API-Wiki GitHub Wiki

  AccountSelection AccountSelection, 
  bool Prepopulate, 
  int Year, 
  bool IncludeBICode, 
  bool IncludeZeroMovement, 
  string[] SelectedCategoryIds,
  ValueSelection ValueSelection 



Prepopulate Whether historical data values should be used as the data source.

Year Year you wish to use for data pre-population.

IncludeBICode Whether data should be broken down by BI code. If set, this will retrieve the values set on Gl Accounts by BI Code. If not set, any values set on a BI Code will summed to the Gl Account balance.

IncludeZeroMovement Whether accounts with 0 values should be retrieved. If not set, Gl Accounts with 0 balance will not be returned.

SelectedCategoryIds An array of category IDs for which you wish to retrieve accounts. It is only processed when 'Selected' is set as the AccountSelection.