UnallocateTransactions - accountsIQ/API-Wiki GitHub Wiki

The UnallocateTransactions method deallocates a set of allocated transactions.



 public WSResult2<WSResultStatus[]> UnallocateTransactions(String token, int[] transactionIDs)

Parameter List

Here is the parameter list required to use the function:

Parameter Type Description
token String The session token retrieved during authentication.
transactionIDS Int32 Array of transaction ids to unallocate.


The following example unallocates an allocated transaction.


// Integration is the reference to the accountsIQ web service
Integration ws = new Integration();

// Try to login using the entity ID, the integrator partner key and the user provided key
string auth = ws.Login(entityID, partnerKey, userKey);
if (auth != null)
  // Get the transaction ID from some listing method
  int transactionToUnallocateTid = 2091;
  var idsToUnallocate = new List<int>();

  // Proceed to unallocate an allocated transaction.
  var result = ws.UnallocateTransactions(auth, idsToUnAllocate.ToArray());
  if (result[0].Status == OperationStatus.Success)
      // The operation succeeded
  else if (result[0].HasExpired)
      // The login has expired. Log the user in again.
  else if (result[0].Status == OperationStatus.Failure)
      // The operation failed.
      // The ErrorCode field will provide more information as to what is the cause of the failure.
  // The login failed. For security reasons, we cannot give more information on what went wrong.
  // The most likely cause is an incorrect user key or an expired partner key.

  // Put here your error handling for invalid login. Either one of the three piece of information can be incorrect.

See Also

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