TransactionLine - accountsIQ/API-Wiki GitHub Wiki

Transaction lines are part of the transaction. Each transaction is composed of several transaction lines. The sum of the movement of all lines on a transaction is 0. Each line will hit one General Ledger account.


TransactionLine members

Name Type Description Constraints
AccountID Nullable Int32 For customer and supplier transaction, get the unique account id. For other transaction kinds, it has no value.
Amount Decimal Get the transaction line amount in the transaction line currency.
AllocatedAmount Decimal Get the transaction line allocated amount in the transaction line currency. Only valid for Control lines.
AllocationNumber String If allocated, get the allocation number. Only for control lines.
AuthorUserID String Get the unique identifier of the user who created the transaction.
BankID Nullable Int32 For bank related transaction, get the bank unique identifier. For other transaction kinds, it has no value.
BankStatementID Nullable Int32 For bank transactions, returns the unique identifier of the bank statement it has been reconciled against, if any. Otherwise, returns no value.
BCAmount Decimal Get the transaction line amount in the system base currency.
BroadType String Get the transaction line broad type. It can be C for Control, N for Net, V for VAT or NULL.
CreationDate DateTime Get transaction creation date.
CurrencyCode String Get the transaction line currency code. Different lines of the same transaction can have different currencies.
DepartmentID String Get the department identifier that has been assigned to the the transaction line.
Description String Get the transaction line description.
ExchangeRate Decimal Get the transaction line exchange rate between the transaction line currency and the system base currency.
ExternalReference String Get the transaction external reference.
GLAccountCode String Get the code of the general ledger account hit by the transaction line.
InternalNumber String Get the transaction internal number. The internal number is unique per transaction type.
InvoiceID Nullable Int32 If present, returns the product invoice/credit note identifier the transaction has been posted from. Otherwise, returns no value.
IsAccountControlLine Boolean Get a flag indicating whether the transaction line is the transaction's account control line.
IsBankLine Boolean Get a flag indicating whether the transaction line hits a bank account or not.
IsInDispute Boolean Get a flag indicating whether the transaction is in dispute or not.
IsReversed Boolean Get a flag indicating whether the transaction has been reversed or not.
LodgmentNumber String if any, get the transaction lodgment number.
PeriodDate DateTime Get transaction line period date. Different lines of a transaction can have different period dates.
PeriodID Int32 Get the transaction line period identifier (based on the transaction line period date). Different transaction lines can have different period identifiers.
ReasonID Nullable Int32 If a reason has been assigned to the transaction line, returns the reason identifier. Ottherwise, returns no value.
IsAccountControlLine Boolean Get a flag indicating whether the transaction line is the transaction's account control line.
Reconciled Boolean Get a flag indicating whether the transaction line has been reconciled or not.
SupplierBatchPaymentID Nullable Int32 If the purchase payment transaction has been generated by a supplier batch payment run, returns the supplier batch payment identifier. Otherwise, returns no value. Only valid for purchase payments.
TaxCode String Get the transaction line tax code. Different lines of the same transaction can have different tax codes.
TransactionDate DateTime Get transaction line transaction date. Different lines of a transaction can have different transaction dates.
TransactionGroupNumber Int32 Get the transaction group number linking several transaction created as a batch together.
TransactionID Int32 Get the unique identifier of the transaction.
TransactionLineID Int32 Get the unique identifier of the transaction line.
TransactionLineType String Get the transaction line type.
VATReturnID Nullable Int32 If the transaction has been reconciled as being part of VAT return, it returns the VAT return identifier. Otherwise, returns no value.
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️