Sublocation - accountsIQ/API-Wiki GitHub Wiki

Item location and sub-location are used to tag an item with a location (warehouse, store...) and a sub-location inside this location (line, shelf, bin...)


Location and sub-location are independent from each other. They do not form a hierarchy.

For example, using the following locations: WAREHOUSE1, WAREHOUSE2; and using the following sub-locations: LINE1, LINE2. The stock items can now be labelled with (WAREHOUSE1,LINE1), (WAREHOUSE1,LINE2), (WAREHOUSE2,LINE1), (WAREHOUSE2,LINE2).


Sublocation members

This is only stored at creation time and never updated. The identifier used is the one used by the user for login. Cannot be null or empty. Cannot be longer than 8 characters long.

Name Type Description Constraints
SublocationID String Get the identifier of a sub-location.
  • Cannot be null or empty.
  • Cannot be longer than 50 characters long.
AuthorUserID String Get the user identifier of the creator of the sub-location. This is only stored at creation time and never updated. The identifier used is the one used by the user for login.
  • Cannot be null or empty.
  • Cannot be longer than 8 characters long.
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