StockItemLocationStatus - accountsIQ/API-Wiki GitHub Wiki

StockItems are stored in location and sub-locations. This structure represents the quantity on hand in each location and sub-location, the reserved for sales or purchases quantities and the free and available stock.


The information is only accurate if the stock tracking is activated for all involved stock items, locations and sub-locations.


StockItemLocationStatus members

Name Type Description Constraints
StockItemID String Get the identifier of the stock item whose quantities are returned.
    LocationID String Get the ID of the location whose quantities are returned.
      Location String Get the description of the location.
        SubLocationID String Get the ID of the sub-location whose quantities are returned.
          TrackQuantity Boolean True if the quantity is tracked for the triplet ( Stock Item, Location, Sub-Location ).
            OnHandQuantity Decimal Get the current quantity of the given item in the place defined by the location and sub-location. This is the physical quantity currently in.
              ReservedForSale Decimal Get the current quantity of the given item which has been reserved from this location and sub-location to fullfill a customer order (before delivery).
                PurchasedButNotReceived Decimal Get the current quantity of the given item which has been promised for delivery from this location and sub-location from a supplier order (before delivery).
                  AvailableStock Decimal Get the current quantity of the given item from this location and sub-location which is currently available for sales. This is the on hand quantity that has not yet been promised for sale
                    FreeStock Decimal Get the current quantity of the given item from this location and sub-location which is currently available if all deliveries are successfully completed. This is the on hand quantity that has not yet been promised for sale plus the promised purchased quantity.

                      See Also

                      ⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️