SavePurchasePayment - accountsIQ/API-Wiki GitHub Wiki

The SavePurchasePayment function creates a payment in an Entity for the indicated supplier. It will create a movement between the supplier's bank and the supplier's creditor control account.



public WSResult2OfBoolean SavePurchasePayment(string token, PurchasesPayment PurchasesPayment)

Visual Basic

Public Function SavePurchasePayment(ByVal token As String, ByVal PurchasesPayment As PurchasesPayment) As WSResult2OfBoolean

Parameter List

Parameter Type Description
token String The session token retrieved during authentication.
PurchasePayment PurchasePayment The Purchase payment to create.


The SavePurchasePayment method will create a new Purchase payment (supplier payment).

The operation returns a WSResultStatus object.

When the operation is successful, the Status property is Success or Created.

When the operation is unsucessful, the ErrorCode property holds the precise error that happened.



Integration ws = new Integration();

String auth = ws.Login(entityID, partnerKey, userKey);
if (auth != null)
PurchasesPayment PurchasesPayment = PurchasesPayment.CreatePurchasesPayment();
PurchasesPayment.BankAccountCode = "CASH";
PurchasesPayment.BankExchangeRate = 0.5M;
PurchasesPayment.CheckReference = "CHK1";
PurchasesPayment.SupplierCode = Supplier.GetSupplierList(entity)[0].Code;
PurchasesPayment.Description = "Test";
PurchasesPayment.ExchangeRate = 2M;
PurchasesPayment.PaymentAmount = 100M;
PurchasesPayment.PaymentDate = DateTime.Now;
OperationResult result = PurchasesPayment.Save(entity, PurchasesPayment);
Assert.AreEqual(OperationResult.OperationStatus.Success, result.Status);

Visual Basic

Dim ws As New Integration

Dim auth As String = ws.Login(entityID, partnerKey, userKey)
If (Not Me.auth Is Nothing) Then
Dim PurchasesPayment As PurchasesPayment = PurchasesPayment.CreatePurchasesPayment
PurchasesPayment.BankAccountCode = "CASH"
PurchasesPayment.BankExchangeRate = 0.5
PurchasesPayment.CheckReference = "CHK1"
PurchasesPayment.SupplierCode = Supplier.GetSupplierList(entity)(0).Code
PurchasesPayment.Description = "Test"
PurchasesPayment.ExchangeRate = 2
PurchasesPayment.PaymentAmount = 100
PurchasesPayment.PaymentDate = DateTime.Now
Dim result As OperationResult = PurchasesPayment.Save(entity, PurchasesPayment)
Assert.AreEqual(OperationStatus.Success, result.Status)
End If
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️