GetNewPurchasesOrder - accountsIQ/API-Wiki GitHub Wiki

The GetNewPurchasesOrder function creates a new order for a given Supplier account. It fills the order defaulting the information with the Supplier information.



public WSResult2OfOrder GetNewPurchasesOrder(string token, string SupplierCode)

Visual Basic

Public Function GetNewPurchasesOrder(ByVal token As String, ByVal SupplierCode As String) As WSResult2OfOrder

Parameter List

Parameter Type Description
token String The session token retrieved during authentication.
SupplierCode String Code of the Supplier to create a new Purchase order for.



Integration ws = new Integration();

String auth = ws.Login(entityID, partnerKey, userKey);
if (auth != null)
  WSResult2OfOrder result = ws.GetNewPurchasesOrder(auth, "TESTINTEGR");

  OrderLine line = new OrderLine();
  line.StockItemID = "STOCKITEM1";
  line.StockItemPrice = 100M;
  line.TaxCode = "NT";
  line.TaxRate = 0.21M;
  line.StockItemDescription = "From default";
  line.StockItemCost = 50M;
  line.OrderedQuantity = 10;
  line.NetAmount = 1000M;
  line.GrossAmount = (1 + line.TaxRate) * line.NetAmount;
  line.GLAccountCode = "1000";
  line.ActualPrice = 100M;
  line.LocationID = "1";
  line.SublocationID = "BIN1";
  line.GLAccountCode = "1000";
  line.OpeningStockGLAccountCode = "2000";
  result.Result.ExternalReference = "Example order 1";

  result.Result.Lines = new OrderLine[1];
  result.Result.Lines[0] = line;

  WSResultStatus r = ws.SaveOrder(auth, result.Result, true);
  Assert.IsTrue(r.Status == OperationStatus.Created);

  WSResult2OfArrayOfOrder rr = ws.GetOrdersByExternalReference(auth, "Example order 1");
  result.Result = rr.Result[rr.Result.Length - 1];
  line = result.Result.Lines[0];

  WSResult2OfDeliveryLine dl = ws.GetNewDeliveryLine(auth, line);
  Assert.IsNotNull(dl); Assert.IsTrue(dl.Status == OperationStatus.Success);
  dl.Result.DeliveredQuantity = 5;
  dl.Result.DeliveryReference = "150";

  WSResultStatus dle = ws.DeliverOrderLines(auth, result.Result, new DeliveryLine[] { dl.Result });
  Assert.IsTrue(dle.Status == OperationStatus.Created);

Visual Basic

Dim ws As New Integration

Dim auth As String = ws.Login(entityID, partnerKey, userKey)
If (Not auth Is Nothing) Then
  WSResult2OfOrder result =, "TESTINTEGR");
  OrderLine line = new OrderLine();
  line.StockItemID = "STOCKITEM1";
  line.StockItemPrice = 100M;
  line.TaxCode = "NT";
  line.TaxRate = 0.21M;
  line.StockItemDescription = "From default";
  line.StockItemCost = 50M;
  line.OrderedQuantity = 10M;
  line.NetAmount = 1000M;
  line.GrossAmount = decimal.op_Increment(line.TaxRate) * line.NetAmount;
  line.GLAccountCode = "1000";
  line.ActualPrice = 100M;
  line.LocationID = "1";
  line.SublocationID = "BIN1";
  line.GLAccountCode = "1000";
  line.OpeningStockGLAccountCode = "2000";
  result.Result.ExternalReference = "Example order 1";
  result.Result.Lines = new OrderLine[] { line };
  Assert.IsTrue(, result.Result, true).Status == OperationStatus.Created);
  WSResult2OfArrayOfOrder rr =, "Example order 1");
  result.Result = rr.Result[rr.Result.Length - 1];
  line = result.Result.Lines[0];
  WSResult2OfDeliveryLine dl =, line);
  Assert.IsTrue(dl.Status == OperationStatus.Success);
  dl.Result.DeliveredQuantity = 5M;
  dl.Result.DeliveryReference = "150";
  Assert.IsTrue(, result.Result, new DeliveryLine[] { dl.Result }).Status == OperationStatus.Created);
End If

See Also

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️