GetInvoicePDFByTransactionIDAndReportStyleName - accountsIQ/API-Wiki GitHub Wiki

The GetInvoicePDFByTransactionIDAndReportStyleName will function in the same way as GetInvoicePDFByTransactionID however you can now pass a report style instead of the default style selected in the system.


When a PDF sales invoice is required, a transaction can be provided to this function and a PDF sales invoice in a byte array will be returned and then can be saved as a PDF in the style passed in.



public WSResult2<Byte[]> GetInvoicePDFByTransactionIDAndReportStyleName(String token, Int32 transactionID)

Parameter List

Parameter Type Description
token String The session token retrieved during authentication.
transactionID Int32 The ID of the transaction for the sales invoice you want a PDF for.
reportStyleName string The style of the report requested.


The following example will generate a invoice in a byte array and save it as a Pdf in the style passed in the request.


      Integration ws = new Integration();

      string authToken = ws.Login(entityID, partnerKey, userKey);
      if (authToken != null)
          int salesInvoiceTransactionId = 1486;
          string reportStyleName = "Test Style";
          WSResult2OfArrayOfByte response= ws.GetInvoicePDFByTransactionIDAndReportStyleName(authToken, salesInvoiceTransactionId, reportStyleName);

          System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes($"SalesInvoice-{salesInvoiceTransactionId}.pdf", response.Result);

See Also

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️